Data sgp is an important resource for education in Singapore. It contains a wealth of information about student academic achievement and teacher effectiveness. It also includes information about the quality of public and private schools in the country. This data set is available on the National Institute of Education’s website and through the Data Singapore project.
The sgpData dataset is an anonymized panel data set of student assessment results in long format from 8 windows (3 windows annually) across 3 content areas (Early Literacy, Math, and Reading). The first five columns, ID, GRADE_2013, GRADE_2014, GRADE_2015, and GRADE_2016 provide the unique student identifier, the grade level at which the student was assessed for each year, and the scale score associated with that assessment. In some cases students do not have 5 years of test data so the missing value is displayed as NA.
A student growth percentile is a measure of the student’s growth in comparison to other students with similar prior test scores (their academic peers). This information can be used by teachers and parents to better understand how their children are progressing in school. The SGP package provides functions to calculate student growth percentiles and to share this information in a way that is easy to interpret and understand. The sgpData dataset is an ideal source of student growth percentile information for the SGP package.
The SGP package is designed to work with WIDE and LONG format data sets. The lower level functions in the package use the WIDE data format, while the higher level wrapper functions utilize the LONG format. The decision of whether to use WIDE or LONG format is driven by a number of factors, including the complexity of the analyses that are being performed and the amount of time required to prepare the data for analysis.
ARM’s primary mission is to measure the atmosphere and the ocean, but we also produce data sets that can be incorporated into atmospheric models. ARM has built a number of data sets that can be used in large-eddy simulation (LES) models. These data sets are freely available via Data Discovery and can help scientists better understand the physical processes that affect weather and climate.
In addition to the data collected at SGP sites, ARM has developed additional satellite-based observational and modeling data sets that are freely available through Data Discovery. These additional data sets allow researchers to better understand the atmospheric processes and predict future trends in weather and climate.
The SGP program also supports the development of educational materials to enhance the understanding and interpretation of the data. This material is available for download on the ARM website in both English and French. The materials include video tutorials, slideshows, and other resources. These resources are available to any educator, researcher, or other interested party. The ARM Educator’s Toolkit provides detailed guidance on how to incorporate the SGP data into instructional and learning activities. The toolkit is intended to be used by school and district educators.