Among the many games that have been invented, the domino game has been gaining popularity over the years. Dominos are rectangular tiles with square ends and are marked with a certain number of spots. They can be played in both Western and Chinese styles.
Despite the popularity of the game of Domino in the United States, it’s unclear where the game originated. According to some sources, it originated in China, but many historians believe that it was invented in the 11th-14th century. Other sources attribute the game to Europe.
According to one theory, the game of Domino was created by a 17th century poet named Sir John Suckling. After earning PS20,000 playing cribbage in an English pub, Suckling invented the game.
In the eighteenth century, the game was introduced to Europe and the United States. It spread to North America, where the Inuit tribes played with bone-like objects before decks of cards were invented.
European-style dominoes vs Chinese-style dominoes
Traditionally, European-style dominoes are made from bone, ivory or dark hardwoods. They also come in frosted glass and ceramic clay. Historically, the pips of the dominoes were contrasting black or white.
European dominoes also come in a standard Double-six set, which has 28 pieces. In the standard set, each tile is a single-tile representation of the value of one die. The other side of the domino is blank. The other seven pieces are a combination of the two halves of the tile. The last piece of the set represents a combination of a single die.
Western domino games
Several varieties of Western domino games exist. Some are played with two players while others are played in groups of four. Regardless of how you play, the object is to earn the most points possible by winning a series of rounds. Most of these games use a set of 28 tiles.
The most common Western domino set contains four suits. A standard double six set contains seven tiles per player. Unlike Chinese dominoes, Western sets usually have no blank tiles. However, some sets do feature a large red spot for one.
For a more seasoned gamer, a Western game can be a daunting task. For starters, the game is played with a spinner, a metal rounded nail head that will help prevent the face of the tile from scratching the table top.
Falling domino theory
During the Cold War, the military-industrial complex used the “domino theory” to justify US military actions, while mainstream media echoed the propaganda. This theory is a zero-sum game that assumes that the rise of one communist nation will lead to the fall of neighboring states.
In the case of Vietnam, it was the fall of the French colony of Indo-China to communism that created the domino effect. The United States fought to stop the communist victory in Vietnam. However, it had little impact on the overall outcome of the war.
The concept of the falling domino theory was first articulated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower during the battle at Dien Bien Phu. In April, he referred to the theory at a White House news conference. He predicted that if Indo-China fell, other Southeast Asian nations would follow its path to communism. The fall of these countries would cause the collapse of other states, including Burma, Thailand and Australia.