Domino is a generic gaming device similar to playing cards or dice, with which many different games can be played. The most common games involve placing domino tiles edge to edge, either in a line or in some other pattern. A domino can also be used for creative, artistic, or mathematically inclined activities such as domino art and domino sculpture.
Hevesh, 20, is a professional domino artist who works on projects for movies, TV shows, and events like the album launch of pop star Katy Perry. Her most complex installations can include 300,000 dominoes, and they take several nail-biting minutes to fall. She starts each project by considering its theme or purpose. Then, she brainstorms images or words that she wants to use and plans out how to arrange the dominoes. Plans might include grids that form pictures, walls, or 3-D structures such as towers and pyramids.
When a domino is placed in the right position, it can set off an entire chain reaction that ends with the desired outcome. This is why Dominoes are so popular: they create an exciting, fast-paced experience that requires skill and planning to master.
Dominoes are a universal toy that crosses cultural boundaries and fosters camaraderie. They are also a metaphor for the power of small actions that lead to bigger results. This is one of the most important lessons I try to convey when providing book editing services to my clients. I encourage them to think of each plot beat in their story as a single domino. If they can build up a series of these dominoes, they will find that their story moves forward in an exciting way.
A domino is a rectangular tile with an arrangement of spots, or “pips,” on two adjacent faces. The other face of the tile is blank or identically patterned to the first. A domino is usually marked with a number or letter on one side, and either blank or numbered on the other. The blank or numbered face is typically the starting point for a game, where a player in turn places another domino on top of it. If the second domino has a higher number than the first, it takes precedence over the previous tile.
If a domino is in the correct place to take its next move, it may be passed or “byed” by another player. Alternatively, the player who draws the first hand may purchase an extra domino from the stock and place it on the table before making his or her play. Generally, the purchased domino must be placed on the end of a double or must match the pips of the domino already in the player’s hand.
During a 1983 demonstration, University of British Columbia physics professor Stephen Morris proved that it only takes a small amount of force to knock over an enormous domino. To do this, he used 13 dominoes, the smallest of which was just 5 millimeters tall and 1 millimeter thick—smaller than a Tic Tac! The largest domino was more than three feet tall and weighed 100 pounds.